Some books in selfpublishing





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Some books which I want to exist...


The self publishing of books on the Internet, much talked about, has not failed to stir my curiosity, especially P-O-D, "print-on-demand" : Unlike e-books for reading on screens, here are real books, printed on paper, with real bookbinding, and delivered to you by real mail... In short, old fashioned books!
Prices, including delivery, are comparable to those in bookshops.

For this p-o-d experience, after a few tries I went to (an american site): in 2015, I edited two novels in French of Marina Ginestā, that won prizes in Catalonia in the 1970s, and also two translations of novelsof my old friend Maurice Ferares (Amsterdam). In 2016, I will upload the Catalan and Spanish versions of the books of Marina Ginestā (mainly because she was my mother (you want to see her picture? You are really nosy, aren't you? Just click here!)

Click here for those P-O-D old fashioned books !